Call us today at 1-(256)-438-5839
Lipo-Assist Diet Program
The next few page of our website will explain what is in our weight loss injections.
1956 Rainbow Drive, Gadsden AL 35901
Office Hours
Monday-Thursday: 9am-6pm
Friday: 9am-2pm
Dr. Hours
Mondays: 2-6
Tuesdays: 9-12
Wednesdays: 2-6
Thursdays: 12-3
Our Lipo-Assist program is our number one, easy to do, diet program!
You will come in every 5-7 days and get your lipo-injection of choice
(see in the lipo-injection section of weight loss programs link) we will give you a 1200 (for female) 1600 (for male) calorie diet meal plan with a step-by-step guide to follow, and you can choose from one of our 4 appetite suppressants to take daily.
If all steps are followed strictly on this diet you will loose anywhere from 2-4 pounds per week or more!
Call us now for more questions!